Forfatter: Eitrem, S.

Some Notes on the Demonology in the New Testament


Some Notes on the Demonology in the New Testament.

Oslo 1950, Symbolae osloenses fasc. supplet. XII, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, 60 s., engelsk tekst, uoppskåret.

«The appearance of Jesus as a miracle-worker with divine authority has been a direct challenge to contemporary thaumaturgs and exorcists of the common stock, probably wellknown to him from his Galilean surroundings. He has retained the traditional conception of the whole world pervaded by demons, or spirits (πνεúματα), and ruled by Satan (Mk 3. 22, prls.), ò αρχων δαιμονíων (Jn 12. 41, Test. Solom. 2. 10, etc.). The daemoniarches equals the diabolus (Lact. Inst. III. 14. 6). It looks like a touch of irony on the part of Fate that the Soter, who fought the foul spirits was himself accused of being possessed, possessed by Satan.»

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Produktnummer: 2617 Kategori:


Some Notes on the Demonology in the New Testament.

Oslo 1950, Symbolae osloenses fasc. supplet. XII, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, 60 s., engelsk tekst, uoppskåret.

«The appearance of Jesus as a miracle-worker with divine authority has been a direct challenge to contemporary thaumaturgs and exorcists of the common stock, probably wellknown to him from his Galilean surroundings. He has retained the traditional conception of the whole world pervaded by demons, or spirits (πνεúματα), and ruled by Satan (Mk 3. 22, prls.), ò αρχων δαιμονíων (Jn 12. 41, Test. Solom. 2. 10, etc.). The daemoniarches equals the diabolus (Lact. Inst. III. 14. 6). It looks like a touch of irony on the part of Fate that the Soter, who fought the foul spirits was himself accused of being possessed, possessed by Satan.»


