Forfatter: Remvik, Steffen

Setsuyōshū in Early Modern Japan: A Book-historical Approach


Setsuyōshū in Early Modern Japan: A Book-historical Approach.

University of Oslo, Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, Oslo 2017, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, 229 s., engelsk tekst, illustrert.

«The word setsuyōshū refers first and foremost to a kind of dictionary that was in use from late in the Muromachi-period (1336—1573) until the beginning of the twentieth century. Although many setsuyōshū remained as mere dictionaries, in the early modern period (1600—1868) additional content that was not related to the dictionary was added to many of them. Because of this additional content, many refer to setsuyōshū as ‘household encyclopedias’. Setsuyōshū were popular books, but so far they have been largely neglected by scholars, […]» — 3

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Produktnummer: 5039 Kategorier: ,


Setsuyōshū in Early Modern Japan: A Book-historical Approach.

University of Oslo, Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, Oslo 2017, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, 229 s., engelsk tekst, illustrert.

«The word setsuyōshū refers first and foremost to a kind of dictionary that was in use from late in the Muromachi-period (1336—1573) until the beginning of the twentieth century. Although many setsuyōshū remained as mere dictionaries, in the early modern period (1600—1868) additional content that was not related to the dictionary was added to many of them. Because of this additional content, many refer to setsuyōshū as ‘household encyclopedias’. Setsuyōshū were popular books, but so far they have been largely neglected by scholars, […]» — 3


