Forfatter: Simei, Bian

Mountains, Gods and Modernity: Resilience and Adaptations in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland of Northwest Sichuan


Mountains, Gods and Modernity: Resilience and Adaptations in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland of Northwest Sichuan.

University of Oslo, Department of Social Anthropology, Oslo 2017, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, XIV + 292 s., engelsk tekst, noen farveillustrasjoner, avhandling for graden PhD i sosialantropologi.

«How do people deal with the constant uncertainties and threats caused by external disturbances in the form of natural and social impacts, while still retaining their own sense of being? What strategies do they follow? During the past century (1910’s—2010’s), the inhabitants of Yanwo Village, located in the Sino-Tibetan borderland of northwestern Sichuan in the People’s Republic of China, have continuously been forced to respond to impacts caused by political, social, economic unrest, disruptive state modernization projects, as well as intermittent natural hazards and disasters.»

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Produktnummer: 3904 Kategori:


Mountains, Gods and Modernity: Resilience and Adaptations in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland of Northwest Sichuan.

University of Oslo, Department of Social Anthropology, Oslo 2017, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, XIV + 292 s., engelsk tekst, noen farveillustrasjoner, avhandling for graden PhD i sosialantropologi.

«How do people deal with the constant uncertainties and threats caused by external disturbances in the form of natural and social impacts, while still retaining their own sense of being? What strategies do they follow? During the past century (1910’s—2010’s), the inhabitants of Yanwo Village, located in the Sino-Tibetan borderland of northwestern Sichuan in the People’s Republic of China, have continuously been forced to respond to impacts caused by political, social, economic unrest, disruptive state modernization projects, as well as intermittent natural hazards and disasters.»


