Forfatter: Bø, Ragnhild M.

Devotion and Representation at the French Court: An Intervisual Approach to the Lamoignon Hours, a Parisian Manuscript by the Bedford Master (c. 1415)


Devotion and Representation at the French Court: An Intervisual Approach to the Lamoignon Hours, a Parisian Manuscript by the Bedford Master (c. 1415).

University of Oslo, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, Oslo 2013, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, 344 s., hvorav s. 257—344 gjengir manuskriptet og andre verker i farver, engelsk tekst, avhandling for graden Ph. D.

«This PhD-thesis aims to contribute to the research on French late Gothic manuscripts by offering a detailed analysis of the iconography of the illuminations in a relatively unknown, but artistically significant manuscript, the Lamoignon Hours (Lisbon, Gulbenkian, ms LA 237). This book of hours was commissioned for Jeanne de France (1391-1432), daughter of the Valois king Charles VI and Isabeau de Bavière. Jeanne’s book of hours is decorated with 32 large miniatures, some 170 smaller ones, and 74 historiated initials.»

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Produktnummer: 2769 Kategorier: , ,


Devotion and Representation at the French Court: An Intervisual Approach to the Lamoignon Hours, a Parisian Manuscript by the Bedford Master (c. 1415).

University of Oslo, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, Oslo 2013, stor 8vo, orig. omslag, 344 s., hvorav s. 257—344 gjengir manuskriptet og andre verker i farver, engelsk tekst, avhandling for graden Ph. D.

«This PhD-thesis aims to contribute to the research on French late Gothic manuscripts by offering a detailed analysis of the iconography of the illuminations in a relatively unknown, but artistically significant manuscript, the Lamoignon Hours (Lisbon, Gulbenkian, ms LA 237). This book of hours was commissioned for Jeanne de France (1391-1432), daughter of the Valois king Charles VI and Isabeau de Bavière. Jeanne’s book of hours is decorated with 32 large miniatures, some 170 smaller ones, and 74 historiated initials.»


