Forfatter: Doorn-Harder, Nelly van, og Kari Vogt (red.)

Between Desert and City: The Coptic Orthodox Church Today


Between Desert and City: The Coptic Orthodox Church Today.

Novus forlag, Oslo 1997, Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, stor 8vo, orig. bind med omslag, 290 s., engelsk tekst.

Innhold, bl.a.: The Renewal in Context: 1960—1990; Changes in Relations between Copts and Muslims (1952—1994) in the Light of the Historical Experience; Tradition and Renewal in Coptic Theology; Coping with God: Coptic Monasticism in Egyptian Culture; The Monastery as the Nexus of Coptic Cosmology; Discovering New Roles: Coptic Nuns and Church Revival; Talking through the Saints; The Coptic Practice of the Jesus Prayer: A Tradition Revived; The Era of Martyrs: Texts and Contexts of Religious Memory; The Laity at the Heart of the Coptic Clerical Reform.

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Produktnummer: 4370 Kategori:


Between Desert and City: The Coptic Orthodox Church Today.

Novus forlag, Oslo 1997, Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning, stor 8vo, orig. bind med omslag, 290 s., engelsk tekst.

Innhold, bl.a.: The Renewal in Context: 1960—1990; Changes in Relations between Copts and Muslims (1952—1994) in the Light of the Historical Experience; Tradition and Renewal in Coptic Theology; Coping with God: Coptic Monasticism in Egyptian Culture; The Monastery as the Nexus of Coptic Cosmology; Discovering New Roles: Coptic Nuns and Church Revival; Talking through the Saints; The Coptic Practice of the Jesus Prayer: A Tradition Revived; The Era of Martyrs: Texts and Contexts of Religious Memory; The Laity at the Heart of the Coptic Clerical Reform.


