Thesaurus Librorum Danicorum 15th and 16th Century.
Rosenkilde og Bagger, København 1987, stor 8vo, orig. bind med omslag, 245 s., engelsk tekst, åtte fotoplansjer, enkelte illustrasjoner, opplag 750 eksemplarer, omslaget litt slitt.
«When the antiquarian bookseller Volmer Rosenkilde died in 1980, he left a collection of notes for a Thesaurus Librorum Danicorum. Rosenkilde was simultaneously a book historian and a bookseller with special interest in old books. His notes were for a large part dealing with books he could never hope to procure for his clients. However, he wished to understand the reasons for the issues of the early Danish books, what impact they had had, and what the provenances of the transmitted copies were.» — fra forordet