Annual Report of the Alms House Commissioner, Comprising Reports from the Several Departments Embraced in the Institutions, &c., &c., for the Year Ending December 31, 1847.
New York 1848, printed by Wm. B. Townsend, 8vo, orig. embossed black cloth, gilt seal of New York City at back cover, 118 p. + nine statistical folding tables, name in pencil on front endpaper: «Fru C. de Lovenskjöld, f. Wedel-Jarlsberg 1887», corners lightly bumped, last pages with a few spots, otherwise a nice, clean copy. «Dating to colonial days, the almshouse was used as a dumping ground for the mentally ill, the epileptic, the mentally retarded, the blind, the deaf and dumb, the crippled, the tuberculous, and the destitute aged, as well as for vagrants, petty criminals, prostitutes, unmarried mothers, and abandoned and neglected children.»