Theosophical Talks at Adyar (First Series): The Inner Life.
Theosophical Publishing Society, Benares and London 1910, første av to bind, 8vo, orig. helsjirtingbind, xi + 517 + (3) s., engelsk tekst, kort forord av Annie Besant, litt slitt langs fremre fals, noen småflekker på forpermen, papirbrist i indre fremre fals foran tittelbladet.
Innhold, bl.a.: The Great Ones; The Work of the Christ; The Work of the Masters; The Path of Progress; Buddhism; Christianity; Sin; The Pope; Ceremonial; Castes; Spiritualism; Symbology; Helping the World; Know Thyself; Asceticism; Killing out Desire; Our Duty to Animals; Nirvāna; The Ego and the Personality; Colours in the Astral Body; The Serpent-Fire.