History and Identity Politics: Educational Reforms and History Textbooks during the Rule of the BJP.
University of Oslo, Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, Oslo 2012, 8vo, orig. omslag, avhandling for graden Ph.D., 307 s., engelsk tekst, forfatterens dedikasjon på tittelbladet: «1/2-2013 Kjære Torkel, Argumentene dine i Fundamentalism hjalp virkelig, og jeg håper du kjenner dem igjen i kap. 4. Hilsen Lars Tore».
«The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the national elections in 1998, and again in 1999 — as the largest party of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). This alliance governed India until 2004. The BJP is a cultural nationalist party, which propagates the Hindu nature of India, and its ideology is known as Hindutva. As such, its view of the nation is different from the territorial and secular definition of nationhood that characterizes the modern Indian nation state. The BJP can also be construed in terms of identity politics.»